Ophthalmology Clinic

Ophthalmology Clinic successfully incorporates the latest achievements of top opthalmology centers from around the world.

Clinic specialists provide round-the-clock emergency care for patients of all ages, treatment for retinal diseases and glaucoma, and perform operations of any complexity for:

  • cataracts;
  • retinal detachment and retinal pathology;
  • glaucoma;
  • eyelid pathology;
  • strabismus;
  • eye injuries.

Ophthalmology Clinic has a comfortable in-patient department, which allows patients to receive complete treatment of their illness requiring hospitalization (eg. retinal abnormalities). Thanks to the professionalism of nurses and anesthesia services, we can even provide surgical treatment to patients with serious chronic illnesses.

Our highly-qualified surgeons use the most modern technologies and equipment, which in most cases reduces the patient's post-surgery hospital stay to one day.

الطب التجميلي

يحظى عملائنا بفرصة لا مثيل لها للاستفادة من أحدث التطورات في مجال الطب التجميلي وجميع التقنيات المتوفرة حاليًا لتغيير مظهر الجسم: أحدث أساليب مكافحة شيخوخة الخلايا وأجهزة الحقن والتجميل والجراحة التجميلية والأساليب الفعالة لتصحيح التشوهات في الجسم. وفي عملنا نستخدم فقط الأساليب التي أثبتت فعاليتها وسلامتها.

أطباء العيادة هم فريق من الخبراء المتمرسين ذوو المهارات الفائقة ويتمتعون بسنوات طوال من الخبرة في مجال التجميل والجراحة التجميلية.

وتعتبر نتائج عمل أطبائنا طبيعية ومتجانسة لدرجة أنها ستلبي متطلبات حتى أكثر المرضى تطلبًا. ونحن محل ثقة شخصيات معروفة في مجال الأعمال وصناعة الترفيه وممثلي النخبة السياسية والثقافية

تقدم عيادتنا أساليبًا لمكافحة الشيخوخة المرئية والتغيّر الفعال للمظهر الخارجي مدتها يوم واحد فقط.

The clinic uses proven worldwide diagnostic methods such as ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, noncontact tonometry, computer perimetry, ultrasound scanning, non-contact funduscopy, and optical coherence tomography. UMG also has the facilities to provide diagnosis and treatment of visual impairment in children.

  • Ophthalmic diseases are treated surgically using sutureless methods and according to international standards. The qualifications of our experts and modern equipment allow us to conduct instantaneous operations, even in combined lens and retinal pathology.
  • Ultrasonic surgical treatment of cataracts with implantation of soft intraocular lens. For these operations we use IOLs (intraocular lenses) from leading world manufacturers. Operations are performed using suturereless, microinvasive technology through a 2.0-2.2-mm incision.
  • Surgical treatment of glaucoma with microinvasive drainage.
  • High-tech sutureless micro-invasive surgical treatment of retinal detachment (uncomplicated and complicated cases accompanied by pathological vitreous changes)
  • Surgical correction of all types of vitreous opacities, including diabetic degenerative conditions.
  • Pleopto-orthoptic treatment of different types of amblyopia (lazy eye).
  • Laser intervention for various kinds of chorioretinal dystrophies
  • Endovitrial treatment for macular degeneration
  • For patients with diseases of the retina and fundus, physicians from different specialties (endocrinologists, cardiologists) participate in their comprehensive examination and treatment.

Our Doctors

Milliet Jean Rene
M.D., Ph.D.

Otolaryngologist, Surgeon

Salim Nidal
M.D., Ph.D.

Clinical oncologist, Radiation oncologist, Radiotherapist

Bregeaut Yves
M.D., Ph.D.


Derlon Jean-Michel
M.D., Ph.D.


Esaki Hajime

General Practitioner

Elias Raid
M.D., Ph.D.




+357 99 013414 • smm@umg.com.cy

Gladstonos 124, Hawk building, Limassol, Cyprus, 3032